Now is the time
to start planning

Big questions have started to present themselves. Buy a house? Start a family? Where should I invest? Is super for me? Do I need insurance? Cash flow is great, but could I be doing more with it? How do I balance financial demands with lifestyle?

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There has to be
a better way

The pace of life just seems to be getting faster and faster and we have less and less time to ourselves, let alone keeping an eye on our financial lives. We are working hard and trying to give our children a good start in life.

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What more
can we do?

Cash flow is pretty good and we want to put it to best use. How can we improve our position before the work income stops? How can we get there sooner? What are our options? Will we be able to do the things we want to do?

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Will we be able
to enjoy retirement?

What we have has to last and provide the lifestyle we want along the way. How do we protect what we have accumulated, for not only our benefit, but for our family? How do we generate the income we need?

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No matter your stage in life we have the knowledge and experience you're looking for.

Simply choose the tab above that best describes you to find out more.


Welcome to Think Independent, one of Australia’s surprisingly few truly independent financial advice and coaching practices. If being truly independent doesn't make us different enough, in addition to our physical locations we also provide clients the option to receive advice and coaching services via online meetings and phone, so you don’t have to take hours out of your day to attend meetings face to face.
Regardless of where you live in Australia, internet access and/or a phone is all you need to get the help you seek.